Time Series of India’s economic indicators built on a strong foundation of Accuracy,Timeliness and Completeness
EPWRF India Time Series Structured in 40 Modules: National Accounts Statistics of IndiaProvides data on India’s national income and other related macro-economic aggregates such as consumption, savings, capital formation and capital stock.Domestic Product of States of IndiaCovers long data series on SDP of states in India by 13 major sectors and states’ per capita SDP for various base years (at current and constant prices)Price IndicesPresents time series on WPI and on different categories of CPI with various base years. The available CPIs are given state-wise and the official linking factors are also given.Consumption Expenditure StatisticsContains data on expenditure incurred by households on domestic consumption during the reference period.Household Assets and Liabilities StatisticsCollected from ‘All-India Debt and Investment Survey’ conducted by the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO). Employment StatisticsProvides employment statistics collected from diverse sources, including Population Census, Payroll Reporting, NSSO, Labour Bureau and Indian Labour Statistics.Labour StatisticsThis module contains data on various aspects related to labour in India.Employment Exchange StatisticsContains data related to the number of employment exchanges, registrations, job-seekers on live register, vacancies available in the market and placement of the jobseekers. Economic CensusContains data from all of the Six Economic Census on the distribution of the number of establishments and employments, including hired workers.Agricultural StatisticsProvides data on area, production, yield for major foodgrains, non-food and horticulture crops. Also presents land use patterns, use of agricultural inputs, livestock and value of output.Food Grain Statistics Presents vital statistics on production, procurement, import-export and stock, allocation, offtake, movement and prices of food grains, along with food subsidy and PDS beneficiaries.Situation Assessment of Agricultural HouseholdsProvides data regarding the income and expenditure, and indebtedness of agricultural households, and some aspects of farming.Landholdings StatisticsProvides data on several characteristics of operational holdings and ownership holdings based on Agriculture Censes and NSSO’s Landholdings Surveys.Livestock StatisticsThis module contains data related to Livestock Census, Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics and Livestock and Operational Holdings.Wage Rates in Rural IndiaCovers data on average daily wage rates, month-wise, quarterly & annual, in rupees, for various agricultural & non-agricultural occupations in rural sector for 20 States.Agricultural Wages in IndiaThis module provides month-wise wages data for different agricultural activities across 21 major states for men and women, starting from 1979-80.Annual Survey of IndustriesData on a variety of characteristics of factories such as number of factories, capital, output, value added and employment characteristics – all India, state-wise and industry-wise under NICIndustrial Production SeriesProvides production-based indices for sector-wise activity, use-based industries and index of core industries along with annual data on output of minerals.Statistics of Mines This module broadly covers data related to Employment, Output and Accidents in both Coal Mines and Non-Coal MinesMineral StatisticsModule contains data related to mineral-wise reserves and resources, mining leases and prospecting licences, production,Chemicals and Petrochemicals StatisticsThis module contains 2 sections, namely, Chemical & Petrochemical sector and Fertilizer.Power SectorCovers wide ranging sets of data like installed capacity, generation, transmission and distribution, sales, consumption and leakages, for All-India and state-wise.External SectorComprises data on India’s foreign trade, balance of payments, forex reserves, external debt, international investment position and indices of NEER and REER.Monetary StatisticsThe Monetary Statistics module provides time series data on money stock, structure of interest rates, payment and settlement systems, and currency management in the country.Financial MarketsComprises three sub-modules – Money Market, Govt. Sec. Market and Forex Market. Provides comprehensive high frequency data series on all transactions of instruments traded.Banking StatisticsCovers data on SCBs’ deposits, credit, CD ratio and offices by population and bank groups; All-India, State-wise & district-wise. along with bank group-wise Balance Sheet and NPAsMicrofinance StatisticsThis module contains microfinance statistics primarily covering the Self-Help Group – Bank Linkage Programme (SHG-BLP).Insurance StatisticsThis Insurance Statistics module contains four major sections, namely, (i) Life Insurance, (ii) General and Health Insurance, (iii) Reinsurance, and (iv) International Comparison.Road Transport StatisticsIncludes Basic Road Statistics, Road Accident Statistics, and Vehicle StatisticsIndian Railways StatisticsTelecom StatisticsThis module provides data related to subscription, usage, financial parameters, quality of service indicators, and broadcasting services.Finances of the Government of IndiaPresents data on budgetary receipts and expenditures’ both on revenue and capital accounts along with their assets and liabilities positionFinances of State GovernmentsContains data on the state governments’ aggregate receipts and expenditures, tax and non-tax revenue, outstanding liabilities and their budgetary surpluses/deficits position.Combined Government FinancesPresents budgetary transactions of Centre, States and UTs comprising data on receipts & expenditures, tax & non-tax revenue, outstanding liabilities and their surplus/deficit position.Income Tax Return StatisticsProvides data on Number of ITR filed and Amount of Income, Direct Tax Collection and Pan Allotment.Health StatisticsProvides data for five components - demography, health status indicators, health infrastructure, human resources in health and health education facilities; All-India and state-wise.National Family Health SurveyPresents data compiled from various rounds of the National Family Health Survey.Educational StatisticsComprises state-wise data relating to School and Higher Education in India from 1980-81. Also includes data on Literacy in India, educational statistics of SC, ST Students and Rural EducatioEnvironment StatisticsProvides data related to various environmental parameters of the country.Rainfall Statistics of IndiaThe rainfall statistics module contains data on rainfall captured both in terms of time and space.
FIND YOUR STATISTICAL DATA BY EXPLORING EPWRFITS DATA MODULES. National Accounts Statistics of India The National Accounts Statistics of India (NAS) module presents the latest available data for the period from 1950-51... Domestic Product of States of India Data on SDP are compiled by the State Directorates of Economics and Statistics. In order to estimate the SDP, the economic activities... Price indices Price indices with their manifold uses are extremely important for the study of an economy as they capture inflationary pressures and... Agricultural Statistics The Agriculture Statistics module presents an all-India level time-series data on area, production and productivity of major foodgrains and non-food crops.. Annual Survey of Industries The ASI frame is based on the list of registered factories maintained by the Chief Inspector of Factories (CIF) in each state... Industrial Production Series Industrial production covers index series for (i) industrial production, (ii) mining, (iii) manufacturing, and (iv) electricity... External Sector External Sector module contains data pertaining to transactions between resident country (India) and a foreign country (abroad)... Financial Markets Financial Markets Module has 3 sub modules of Money Market, Government Securities Market and Forex Market... Banking Statistics(BSR) The RBI collects data on credit and deposits and other associated statistics from bank branches through Basic Statistical... Finances of Government of India The ‘Annual Financial Statement’, the core budget documents, essentially consists of a summary of receipts and expenditure in both revenue... Finances of State Governments in India The state finance module provides a comprehensive overview of the budgetary transactions of all the States and the Union Territories... Insurance Insurance sector in India has grown and diversified considerably over the past decade.Following the passage of Insurance Regulatory... Combined Government Finances This module provides a comprehensive overview of the budgetary transactions of the Centre, States and the Union Territories... Power Sector The power sector module includes data on various aspects of the sector like installed capacity, generation, transmission and distribution, sales... CPI New Price indices with their manifold uses are extremely important for the study of an economy as they capture inflationary pressures...