Environmental Conditions and Quality | Atmosphere, Climate and Weather | | Annual and Seasonal Temperature | | |
Environmental Conditions and Quality | Atmosphere, Climate and Weather | | | | |
Environmental Conditions and Quality | Atmosphere, Climate and Weather | | | | |
Environmental Conditions and Quality | Atmosphere, Climate and Weather | | | | |
Environmental Conditions and Quality | Atmosphere, Climate and Weather | | | | |
Environmental Conditions and Quality | | | | | |
Environmental Conditions and Quality | | | | | |
Environmental Conditions and Quality | | | Forest Cover by Various Forest Classes | | |
Environmental Conditions and Quality | | | | | |
Environmental Conditions and Quality | | | Tree Cover by Physiographic Zone | | |
Environmental Conditions and Quality | | | | | |
Environmental Conditions and Quality | | | | | |
Environmental Conditions and Quality | | | Carbon Stock in Different Forest Carbon Pools | | |
Environmental Conditions and Quality | | | Carbon Stock in Different Carbon Pools by Forest Type and Density wise | | |
Residuals and Management of Waste | | | Energy related Cumulative CO₂ Emissions by Major Country | | |
Residuals and Management of Waste | | | Greenhouse Gas by Source of Emission | | |
Residuals and Management of Waste | | | Production of Ozone Depleting Substances | | |
Residuals and Management of Waste | | | Consumption of Ozone Depleting Substances | | |
Residuals and Management of Waste | Generation and Management of Waste Water | | Distribution of Households by System of Disposal of Waste Water | | |
Residuals and Management of Waste | Generation and Management of Waste Water | | Compliance by Industries Discharging Their Effluents into Rivers and Lakes | | |
Residuals and Management of Waste | Generation and Management of Waste Water | | Industrial Waste Water Treatment Plants | | |
Residuals and Management of Waste | Generation and Management of Waste | | Municipal Solid Waste Generation by State | | |
Residuals and Management of Waste | Generation and Management of Waste | | Municipal Solid Waste Generation by Metro City/State Capital | | |
Residuals and Management of Waste | Generation and Management of Waste | | Distribution of Households by System of Disposal of Garbage | | |
Residuals and Management of Waste | Generation and Management of Waste | | | | |
Residuals and Management of Waste | Generation and Management of Waste | | | | |
Residuals and Management of Waste | Generation and Management of Waste | | | | |
Residuals and Management of Waste | Generation and Management of Waste | | | | |
Residuals and Management of Waste | Generation and Management of Waste | | Bio-medical Waste: Generation and Management | | |
Residuals and Management of Waste | Generation and Management of Waste | | Plastic Waste: Generation and Management | | |
Natural Extreme Events and Disasters | | | | | |
Natural Extreme Events and Disasters | | | | | |
Natural Extreme Events and Disasters | Damage Caused by Natural Extreme Event | | Deaths due to Heat and Cold Waves | | |
Natural Extreme Events and Disasters | Damage Caused by Natural Extreme Event | | Deaths by Type of Natural Extreme Event | | |
Natural Extreme Events and Disasters | Damage Caused by Natural Extreme Event | | Damage due to Natural Extreme Event | | |
Natural Extreme Events and Disasters | Damage Caused by Natural Extreme Event | | Percentage of Drought Affected Area | | |
Natural Extreme Events and Disasters | Damage Caused by Natural Extreme Event | | Number of Drought Affected Districts | | |
Government Expenditure on account of Natural Calamities | Government Expenditure on account of Natural Calamities | | | | |
Human Settlements and Environmental Health | Population and Access to Basic Services | | Houses, Households, Population and Area | | |
Human Settlements and Environmental Health | Population and Access to Basic Services | | Population Below Poverty Line | | |
Human Settlements and Environmental Health | Population and Access to Basic Services | | Household's Major Sources of Drinking Water | | |
Human Settlements and Environmental Health | Population and Access to Basic Services | | Household's Major Sources of Drinking Water | | |
Human Settlements and Environmental Health | Population and Access to Basic Services | | Household's Major Sources of Drinking Water | | |
Human Settlements and Environmental Health | Population and Access to Basic Services | | Household's Access to Sanitation Facilities | | |
Human Settlements and Environmental Health | Population and Access to Basic Services | | Household's Access to Sanitation Facilities | | |
Human Settlements and Environmental Health | Population and Access to Basic Services | | Household's Access to Sanitation Facilities | | |
Human Settlements and Environmental Health | | | | | |
Human Settlements and Environmental Health | | | Number of Registered Motor Vehicles by Category | | |
Human Settlements and Environmental Health | | | Number of Registered Motor Vehicles by Category | | |
Human Settlements and Environmental Health | | | Cargo Movement on Waterways | | |
Human Settlements and Environmental Health | | | Vital Shipping Indicators | | |
Human Settlements and Environmental Health | | | Vital Railways Indicators | | |
Human Settlements and Environmental Health | | | Vital Air Transport Indicators | | |
Human Settlements and Environmental Health | | | | | |
Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement | Environmental Governance and Regulation | | | | |
Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement | Environmental Governance and Regulation | | | | |
Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement | Environmental Governance and Regulation | | Family-Type Biogas Plants Installed, State-wise | | |
Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement | Environmental Governance and Regulation | | Germplasm Holding in the Base Collection at National Gene Bank | | |
Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement | Environmental Governance and Regulation | | In-vitro Conserved Germplasm, by Crop Group | | |
Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement | Environmental Governance and Regulation | | Cryopreserved Germplasm at National Cryobank | | |
Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement | Environmental Governance and Regulation | | Number of Students Pursuing Environment-related Higher Education | | |
Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement | Expenditure on Environmental Protection and Resource Management | | | | |
Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement | Expenditure on Environmental Protection and Resource Management | | | | |
Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement | Expenditure on Environmental Protection and Resource Management | | | | |
Residuals and Management of Waste | | | | | |
Residuals and Management of Waste | | | | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | | | Mineral Reserves and Resources | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | | | | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | | | Import and Export of Ores and Minerals | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | | | Inventory of Geological Reserves by Type of Coal | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | | | Inventory of Geological Reserves of Coal by State | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | | | Inventory of Geological Reserves of Lignite by State | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | | | Primary Supply of Coal and Lignite | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | | | Production of Raw Coal by Type and State | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | | | Production of Coal and Lignite by State | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | | | Key Indicators of Petroleum Industry | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | Production, Trade and Consumption of Energy | | Energy Supply Position by State | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | Production, Trade and Consumption of Energy | | Installed Capacity of Power Utilities by State | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | Production, Trade and Consumption of Energy | | Gross Generation of Power by Energy Sources | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | Production, Trade and Consumption of Energy | | Domestic Production of Petroleum Products | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | Production, Trade and Consumption of Energy | | Off-take of Natural Gas by Major Industry Group | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | Production, Trade and Consumption of Energy | | Availability of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | Production, Trade and Consumption of Energy | | Gross and Net Production of Natural Gas | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | Production, Trade and Consumption of Energy | | Solar Photovoltaic Systems and Power Plants Installed by State | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | Production, Trade and Consumption of Energy | | Small Hydro Power Projects (up to 25 MW) by State | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | Production, Trade and Consumption of Energy | | Estimated Potential of Renewable Power by State | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | Production, Trade and Consumption of Energy | | Installed Capacity of Grid Interactive Renewable Power by State | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | Production, Trade and Consumption of Energy | | | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | Production, Trade and Consumption of Energy | | Towns and Villages Electrified by State | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | Production, Trade and Consumption of Energy | | Decentralised/Off-grid Renewable Energy Systems Devices by State | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | Production, Trade and Consumption of Energy | | Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Primary Source of Energy for Cooking | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | Production, Trade and Consumption of Energy | | Distribution of Households by Type of Fuel used for Cooking | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | Production, Trade and Consumption of Energy | | Distribution of Households by Source of Lighting | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | Production, Trade and Consumption of Energy | | Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Energy Sources for Lighting | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | | | Land by Type of Use and by State | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | | | Irrigated Area by Source of Irrigation | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | | | Area under Organic Farming by State | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | | | Area under Operational Holdings by Social Groups | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | Use of Forest Land and Forest Resources | | | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | Use of Forest Land and Forest Resources | | | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | Use of Forest Land and Forest Resources | | State-wise Value of Output - Forestry | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | Use of Forest Land and Forest Resources | | Import and Export of Forest Products | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | | | Area and production under Major Crops | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | | | Use of Agricultural Inputs | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | | | Production of Organic Manures by State | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | | | Production of Biofertilizers by State | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | | | Production of Biofertilizers by Type and State | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | | | Capacity and Production of Pesticides | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | | | Capacity and Production of Insecticides | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | | | Consumption, Production and Import of Fertilisers | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | | | Nutrient-wise Consumption of Fertilizers by State | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | | | Consumption of Pesticides by State | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | | | Import and Export of Agricultural Products | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | Livestock and Aquatic Resources | | | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | Livestock and Aquatic Resources | | Number of Animals Slaughtered and Quantity of Meat Production by State | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | Livestock and Aquatic Resources | | Species-wise Incidence of Livestock Diseases | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | Livestock and Aquatic Resources | | | | |
Environmental Resources and Their Use | Livestock and Aquatic Resources | | Import and Export of Livestock and Marine Products | | |